Kim Scott's Radical Candor™ One-on-one
Bring kindness, clarity, specificity and sincerity to your one-on-ones.
Robert's Rules of Order Meeting
A meeting guide used by leaders to add structure and fairness to formal meetings.
Bi-Weekly Sales One-on-One
A bi-weekly 1:1 stand-up for sales managers to sync with direct reports.
Heather Foeh's One-on-one Meeting
Heather Foeh, VP of Customer Experience at PathFactory, uses this 1:1 agenda to sync with her team.
Board meeting
Make the most out of your board's time with this board meeting template from Sequoia Capital.
Jason Ball's One-on-one Meeting
Jason Ball, Customer Support Manager at Intercom, asks these 5 questions in one-on-one meetings.
Get to know you Icebreakers / Fun Questions for a 1:1
Start to your meeting with your favorite question from this list of fun icebreakers
VP Sales <> Sales Leader 1:1
Created by Mark Roberge, former CRO of HubSpot, use this agenda for VP Sales <> Sales Leader 1:1s.
Heather Foeh's Team Meeting
Heather Foeh, Customer Success Leader
Biweekly Marketing Sprint Planning Meeting
Peek into Hypercontext's biweekly marketing sprint planning meetings.
Phone Screen Interview
Standard phone screen questions for hiring managers, HR, and recruiters.
Jira's Sprint Planning Meeting
Sample meeting agenda template for the sprint planning. Jira's agile coaches recommend to follow it.
Biweekly Revenue Leadership Sync
Find ways to maximize revenue with this biweekly leadership sync.
Deal Review Meeting
This meeting is to support an Account Executive on a specific deal.
Entry Interview
Get feedback from employees on why they joined and how to keep them.
The Juice GTM Weekly Check-In
The best way for GTM teams to sync on progress, share feedback, and keep the team aligned.
Sprint Reporting
Reporting on your team's burndown and velocity
BDR Manager/Director Weekly
Weekly one-on-one for a BDR Manager and their leader.
Sales manager/director one-on-one
A template for one-on-one discussions between Sales Managers and Directors
Hypercontext Demo Day
Each team demos what they've been working on.
ABX Standup
A coordinated effort between AE, SDR and Marketing to keep their accounts moving forward.
First one-on-one with an intern
Set the scene for a meaningful 1:1 with your intern at the start of their internship.
Hyper-Alignment Meeting
A smooth running company needs to be hyper-aligned.
Zenhub's Retrospective
The retro template used by the Zenhub team
Hypercontext Growth Stand Up
This template is to help the whole growth team align daily.
Sales Leader <> SDR 1:1
Use this agenda to zero in on one thing each SDR can improve each month.
Hypercontext Employee Onboarding
This is the template Hypercontext uses to onboard new employees.
HubSpot's 20-Minute Weekly Sales Team Meeting
Run effective weekly sales team meeting syncs in 20 minutes or less with the agenda template.
Stay Interview
Get feedback from employees about what they need to stay.
BDR Weekly 1:1
Weekly meeting between BDR and Manager.
Weekly Fireside Agenda
Keep the bigger picture in your team's line of sight.
Revenue and Marketing Alignment: Pillar Meeting
A weekly alignment meeting between Revenue and Marketing leadership teams.
One-on-one Sales Forecast Meeting
A time for Sales Managers to meet with their direct reports to review upcoming deals.
Team Forecast Meeting
A top-level overview of what deals are coming up and where forecasting stands.
Build Team Retro
A recurring sync between builders (marketing, ops, and product) to keep everyone aligned.
Managing Up Meeting
Need to manage up? Use this to communicate effectively, set expectations, and get buy-in.
April Dunford's Product Positioning
10-step process for product positioning
NYSERDA Peer Group 6 Meeting: Monthly from 3-4:30 on the fourth Monday
Performance Review Meeting
A review meeting is an opportunity to understand what supported and impacted performance.