Remote Team Meeting Template

Everything you need to run a smooth remote team meeting.

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Remote Team Meeting Template


How to run a Remote Team Meeting

If you manage a remote team, it's important to have regular team meetings. These meetings serve as a way to cover optional topics, build rapport, and have some fun. In this guide, we'll walk you through why you should run a remote team meeting, how often to have them, who should be invited, and what topics should be on the agenda.

Why Run This Meeting?

There are several benefits to having regular team meetings. First, they give everyone on the team an opportunity to catch up and check in with each other. Second, team meetings provide a space for discussing important topics and making sure everyone is on the same page. Finally, team meetings can help build team morale and keep everyone motivated.

How Often, How Long, and Who's Invited?

You should aim to have team meetings once a week. They should last for about 60 minutes. Everyone on the team should be invited, including the manager.

What to talk about in a Remote Team Meeting?

0. Tech Check πŸ’»

Before starting the meeting, it's important to do a quick tech check.
This will ensure that everyone is able to connect and participate in the meeting.

1. Icebreaker πŸ₯Ά

An icebreaker is a great way to start the meeting and get everyone warmed up.
It's also a chance for everyone to get to know each other better.
Some great icebreakers for remote team meetings include:

  • What is your favorite type of candy bar?
  • What is your favorite movie, and why?
  • What is your favorite place to order takeout from?
  • What is your favorite holiday, and why?

2. How are we tracking against our goals? πŸ“Š

This agenda item is important for making sure that everyone is on track and meeting their goals.
It's also a chance to identify any areas where the team may need to focus more attention.

For example, if you're a team of software engineers, you should talk about what you're working on this week, and if you're going to meet your deliverables. This is also a good time to discuss any blockers you may be having.

3. What went well this week? πŸ‘

This is a chance for everyone to share what went well for them this week.
It's a positive way to end the meeting and leave everyone feeling good about their accomplishments.

4. What could have gone better? πŸ™Œ

This agenda item provides an opportunity for the team to reflect on what could have gone better this week.
It's a chance to identify areas for improvement and come up with a plan for how to address them.

For example, if a team member had a hard time getting a feature to work, they can discuss it here and see if someone else can help them out.

5. What are the biggest blockers stopping us from performing to our fullest potential? πŸ’ͺ

This agenda item is important for identifying any obstacles that are preventing the team from performing at their best.
Once these obstacles are identified, the team can brainstorm ways to overcome them.

6. What do we want to accomplish by our next meeting? πŸ‘€

This agenda item is a chance for the team to set goals for the next meeting.
It's a way to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the team is making progress.
An easy way to set goals is to use the SMART framework.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Timebound

7. Who deserves a shoutout? πŸ₯³

This is a fun agenda item that allows everyone to give a shoutout to someone on the team.
It's a great way to build team morale and recognize everyone's accomplishments.

About this template

Get down to business with this remote team meeting template while leaving time for the people things.

Updated Apr 28, 2022

Remote Team Meeting FAQs

How long should a remote team meeting be?


You should initially set your remote team meetings for 1 hour with your team. If you prepare and share an agenda in advance you're likely to get through more faster.

How often should you have remote team meetings?


Most remote team meetings tend to occur bi-weekly. As you go through a few iterations of them you may need to increase or decrease the frequency.

What should you discuss during a remote team meeting?


7 great things to discuss in your Remote Team Meeting:

  • Icebreaker πŸ₯Ά
  • How are we tracking against our goals? πŸ“Š
  • What went well this week? πŸ‘
  • What could have gone better? πŸ™Œ
  • What are the biggest blockers stopping us from performing to our fullest potential? πŸ’ͺ
  • What do we want to accomplish by our next meeting? πŸ‘€
  • Who deserves a shoutout? πŸ₯³

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