Bi-Weekly Sales One-on-One Template

A bi-weekly 1:1 stand-up for sales managers to sync with direct reports.

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Bi-Weekly Sales One-on-One Template


This bi-weekly one-on-one is recommended for sales reps and their managers. With a bi-weekly cadence, this is an opportunity to zoom out from everyday work and discuss the future as it relates to both work and career development

Bi-weekly Sales One-on-one Meeting Template Walk-through

1. Icebreaker

Start the meeting with an icebreaker to continue to foster a connection and build rapport. If you're not sure what to ask, pick a random question from Hypercontext's suggestions.

2. Retro on the last 2 weeks

Take some time to look back at the last two weeks — did you achieve what you set out to do? If you did, what best practices did you use that you can continue to implement? If you didn't, that's okay too! But what did you learn?

3. Looking ahead

After you understand the challenges and successes since you last spoke, look ahead. This is the time to discuss pipelines and target metrics. It's also a good time to discuss any changes or events that'll affect upcoming activities.

4. Professional development

Professional development discussions can often get pushed to the side in favor of more urgent work conversations. Your bi-weekly one-on-one is a great time to check in on the bigger picture of your direct report's career development. What are they doing to reach their professional goals and how can you help?

About this template

This bi-weekly 1:1 sales agenda ensures that a direct report is clear on what will be covered and how to prepare.

Updated Mar 29, 2022

Bi-Weekly Sales One-on-One FAQs

How long should a bi-weekly sales one-on-one be?


You should initially set your bi-weekly sales one-on-ones for 1 hour with your team. If you prepare and share an agenda in advance you're likely to get through more faster.

How often should you have bi-weekly sales one-on-ones?


Most bi-weekly sales one-on-ones tend to occur bi-weekly. As you go through a few iterations of them you may need to increase or decrease the frequency.

How do you structure a bi-weekly sales one-on-one?


You should think about deviding the meeting into 3 sections: Retro on the last 2 weeks, Looking ahead, Professional development. Then adding the following bi-weekly sales one-on-one topics, where appropriate:

  • What were the deliverables from last week and did you achieve them?
  • Icebreaker: pick a question from Hypercontext’s suggestions and discuss
  • For what we said `yes` to: what were the best practices you used?
  • For what we said `no` to: what were your biggest blockers and what solutions have you thought about?
  • What can I unblock for you?
  • Look at the dashboard: pipelines and metrics discussion
  • Important updates (managerial + company and how they affect you)
  • What have you done for your professional development? How can I help?
  • How are you honing your craft? What’s working? What’s not?

What should you discuss during a bi-weekly sales one-on-one?


9 great things to discuss in your Bi-Weekly Sales One-on-One:

  • What were the deliverables from last week and did you achieve them?
  • Icebreaker: pick a question from Hypercontext’s suggestions and discuss
  • For what we said `yes` to: what were the best practices you used?
  • For what we said `no` to: what were your biggest blockers and what solutions have you thought about?
  • What can I unblock for you?
  • Look at the dashboard: pipelines and metrics discussion
  • Important updates (managerial + company and how they affect you)
  • What have you done for your professional development? How can I help?
  • How are you honing your craft? What’s working? What’s not?

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