How to introduce Spinach to your team
Introducing new tech to your team’s workflow is hard. While the ultimate goal is to make your life easier, the…
Jul 29, 2021

We’re rebranding: introducing Spinach 👩‍🚀
We’re so excited to finally share that we’re rebranding our company and app to Hypercontext. Everything will be predictably found on…
Jun 11, 2021

The Spinach and Zapier Integration is here!
Productive teams have the ability to work when they’re most productive, within the tools that fit their workflow best. Enter…
Aug 19, 2020

Introducing AI powered meeting insights
One of the questions I get asked most is, “What should I talk about in my one-on-ones?” It’s the reason…
Nov 14, 2019

The Spinach Chrome Extension is here
We are pumped to offer Hypercontext users another way to manage meetings with their teams with our new Chrome Extension.…
Oct 29, 2019

Introducing the SoapBox Sidekick: An AI Powered Meeting Assistant
Managers are the unsung heroes in today’s workforce. Beyond their own work they bear the burden for the wellbeing and…
Sep 13, 2019

New in SoapBox: Meeting Agenda Templates
After speaking to hundreds of managers and countless hours researching, we’re happy to share our latest product for managers and…
Jul 2, 2019

New in Soapbox: Automated Meeting Minutes
Taking meeting notes right in your agenda has always been a core feature of Soapbox. But now you can automatically…
Jun 7, 2019
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