Jocelyn Brown

Sales manager/director one-on-one Template

A template for one-on-one discussions between Sales Managers and Directors

Created by Jocelyn Brown

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Sales manager/director one-on-one Template

About this template

This is a time for the Sales Manager to meet with their Director to discuss trends, forecast and team updates.

Posted on Jun 2, 2022

Sales manager/director one-on-one FAQs

How long should a sales manager/director one-on-one be?


You should initially set your sales manager/director one-on-ones for one hour with your team. If you prepare and share an agenda in advance you're likely to get through more faster.

How often should you have sales manager/director one-on-ones?


Most sales manager/director one-on-ones tend to occur weekly. As you go through a few iterations of them you may need to increase or decrease the frequency.

How do you structure a sales manager/director one-on-one?


You should think about deviding the meeting into 2 sections: Weekly, Monthly/quarterly. Then adding the following sales manager/director one-on-one topics, where appropriate:

  • Icebreaker: What's one thing you learned last week?
  • Are there any deals at risk of slipping? What help do you need?
  • Team updates. Who's doing well? Who's struggling?
  • How are you pacing towards targets?
  • What is the one thing you're working on to advance your career?

What should you discuss during a sales manager/director one-on-one?


5 great things to discuss in your Sales manager/director one-on-one:

  • Icebreaker: What's one thing you learned last week?
  • Are there any deals at risk of slipping? What help do you need?
  • Team updates. Who's doing well? Who's struggling?
  • How are you pacing towards targets?
  • What is the one thing you're working on to advance your career?

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About the Author

Jocelyn Brown

Jocelyn has spent 15+ years in the B2B and SaaS spaces building and managing high-performing customer success and sales teams that drive recurring revenue and value, and develop life-long customers. Most recently she spent 5 years at Allocadia as SVP Customers and Revenue.

Follow her on twitter.